Rogue One

In 2015 we were given the opportunity to build armor elements for 77 costumes in this production. This included such characters as x-wing fighter pilots, tie fighter pilots, rebel fleet troopers, imperial navy troopers, and imperial gunners.

We also included one foam-rubber prop in an effort to offer extra services. This was a blaster known as a SE-14r. We didn’t hear back regarding an opportunity but that blaster model was widely used in the film and it has become a very popular blaster in many of the productions that have taken place since. Coincidence? Our friend who originally created our prop informs us that there are “tells” indicating that the ones in the productions may have originated from our blaster.

We were even tasked with building 16 wearable Stormtrooper costumes at the same time which we suspected might have been in the film but they went a different way with the design. See more about those costumes in our costumes gallery.


Film Stills